Thursday, April 14, 2011

Staying put, or Moving on....

One of the most difficult decisions to make growing into an adult.  The youthful vigor wants to see the world, taste the colors, feel the life of everything and everyone. And yet a sense of maturity sneaks by and puts the dream of a house w/ spouse and kids into the mix.

One must ask, when do we move on? And when do we stay put?  Of course this answer changes with every person and with every year that passes the answers may change.  I personally feel the urge to travel and see the sights, but also understand the pro's to staying put and settin up to speak.

I feel as if ones true goals is a big factor in determining the proper action to such a question. This is what every adult tries to figure out, and act on accordingly.  but there is so much, much other things that can set  a person back in there goals.  We must find those out and find the right path to getting to, wherever it is we are all going.

This is where trial and error come into play and the ability to learn from both.  Especially the errors and losses.  "It's human to make mistakes, but only the fool makes the same one twice." --dad.

I see many people, especially at workplaces who are clearly not focused on what it is their life here is for.  Getting upset over simple menial things.  When it's actually the frustration of being a confused human for so  long coming to surface. Unable to appreciate the gifts in life, because they are drowning themselves in all the negatives in life.  This kind of mentality is contagious and circles an entire family unit.  If we are unhappy with our situation, it is up to us, ourselves to make the changes necessary to turn that frown upside down. This is an example of people who dont learn from their mistakes and continue to make them over and over again... If we want to move and are still, then pick one foot up then the other.  Only then will the first real steps be taken to make a great change in your life.

"Things in motion tend to stay in motion, Things that are idle, tend to stay idle." Newton - 1st law of motion

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