Thursday, April 14, 2011

Staying put, or Moving on....

One of the most difficult decisions to make growing into an adult.  The youthful vigor wants to see the world, taste the colors, feel the life of everything and everyone. And yet a sense of maturity sneaks by and puts the dream of a house w/ spouse and kids into the mix.

One must ask, when do we move on? And when do we stay put?  Of course this answer changes with every person and with every year that passes the answers may change.  I personally feel the urge to travel and see the sights, but also understand the pro's to staying put and settin up to speak.

I feel as if ones true goals is a big factor in determining the proper action to such a question. This is what every adult tries to figure out, and act on accordingly.  but there is so much, much other things that can set  a person back in there goals.  We must find those out and find the right path to getting to, wherever it is we are all going.

This is where trial and error come into play and the ability to learn from both.  Especially the errors and losses.  "It's human to make mistakes, but only the fool makes the same one twice." --dad.

I see many people, especially at workplaces who are clearly not focused on what it is their life here is for.  Getting upset over simple menial things.  When it's actually the frustration of being a confused human for so  long coming to surface. Unable to appreciate the gifts in life, because they are drowning themselves in all the negatives in life.  This kind of mentality is contagious and circles an entire family unit.  If we are unhappy with our situation, it is up to us, ourselves to make the changes necessary to turn that frown upside down. This is an example of people who dont learn from their mistakes and continue to make them over and over again... If we want to move and are still, then pick one foot up then the other.  Only then will the first real steps be taken to make a great change in your life.

"Things in motion tend to stay in motion, Things that are idle, tend to stay idle." Newton - 1st law of motion

Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's interesting how many dont realize how much courage it takes to do the little things in life.

It' takes courage to .....

Pick up trash, n throw it away. ( Because you sacrifice time for a cleaner environment)

Let people go in front of you..ex. car, line, holding a door....etc.  ( because you dont know if that will cause you to arrive at your destination late or not.)

To ask someone a favor. ( Because of the fear of rejection, and the guilt of putting weight on someone else's shoulders)

To say thank you. ( Some feel as if their works are far to few to deserve thanks)

To say I love you. ( Fear, is the ultimate reason why this doesnt get said most of the time)

To deny ones lustful wantings to pursue a logical goal. ( Leave the bar...!! go home!)

Say what you feel, ( Fear of how others will view your...."views" and whether they will "accept" you.)

Dance in public.  ( Denying the urge to let loose, will hurt you in the end)

Have a foundation and sticking to it. ( Most would rather believe in 'nothing' than be called out for what they "do" believe in )

Be single, be in a relationship ( we know that both have their hard times)

and most of all

It take courage to be yourself, cuz society and media want you to be their sheep, and not an independent thinker.

Take control of your life, anything you put your time and effort into will create good outcomes.
Bless up

Friday, April 8, 2011

Glitter is Gold?

"Oh vanity, oh vanity... how you mean the world to me."
 It constantly amazes me how many people feel like they cant go on in their life w/ out their make up kit, or super gel, cologne, etc.  REally guys? I cant support the constant 'making up' of girls cuz, Yes, it looks great but what trips me out is that,    say you take a girl home and she appears to be smokin hot.  then in the morning, she looks so different w/ out her make up, like it's another person.  Just like i said before, it's all trickery these days.  
people put on a fake face, to go wit the fake persona that they use as bait to lure the opposite sex to.....well... have sex. But in the morning, neither are there.  Make up washed off, different attitude, where did the person from last night go?  This isnt limited to females of course.

If one were to work on internal issues first and deal with them, then i think the need to attract attention from others, for the purpose of self esteem would lessen.  This is clearly an example of " easier said than done." but from my experience. the work is worth the result.
We must love ourselves before we can love others, we must give in order to receive.  It seems like the idea of a balanced life is not entertained by many people.  Most people that i see in town, have a lop - sided idea about giving and taking.  "I take, take, take, and you give me, give me, give me"
DONT PLAY THE VICTIM ROLE! People wanna feel like their problems are the only ones in the world. that life is extra hard for them.  Nah! it's hard for all of us, If people stopped playing the victim and took control of their actions, more productive things would get done.
I feel like unless taught by someone, people dont learn to " make things happen" and just "wait for things to happen"

oh well, we all deal with our issues differently i suppose.  The hard part to me is dealing w/ my own shit and tryin to make room to deal w/ other peoples shit too. cuz I already know that my destiny here on earth is to help people.  whether its' with words or actions or both.

The trod must continue.....

Jah Bless

Thursday, April 7, 2011

War for .......

War for Oil, war for land, war for weapons, war for mind control, war for population control, war for global financial control,  USA, ENGLAND, RUSSIA, CHINA, FRANCE  the 5 largest influences in the United Nations.  Yes the group designed to keep peace in the world.  Is it coincidence that the same 5 are the biggest distributers of weapons around the world?
Storm clouds comming.... hmmm HAARP?  Weather weapons,  storm creations, forcing drought and monsoons, tornados, typhoons.
The more man tries to control all aspects of his life, the more he loses touch with his inner being.  So much of daily life is spent entertaining superficial things.  Our internal lives have been reduced to selfish wanting. The desire for more, and more and more....bigger, badder, fatter.
For example, if everyone left their house for work 10minutes earlier than normal.  Wouldnt the roads be that much safer.   Yet people want it all now.. to leave as late as possible and expect to arrive earlier than usual.  Is it wishful thinking? or Selfish wanting?
People want to dramatize the little minute details of their life to others, so they can feel like they are being heard. So many will make a fuss about everything.. spilling coffee,  late to the movies, late fees. etc.
I wish we all had a "Refresh" App inside us.  that periodically reminds us of all the "Real" Trouble in the world.  (Japan-earthquake, Libiya- uprising, African orphans, Earth orphans....)
Even then...would we be able to live a life of helping....?    Nah...Just like in "Scarface"  .. "Never underestimate the greed of the other man."  some people out of habit and environment have become selfish beings w/ not other way to live.

But that is what we call balance isnt it?   I've come to the conclusion that for all the respectful people in the world, and all the people who have the capability to change. There are still those that are and will forever will be....Assholes.
It's hard to give up on wanting.. But to me it's even harder to keep lying , faking, and being a devious person, cuz after a while. no matter what.  It will all eventually catch up.  And sins will have to be paid for...

Jah Bless

Good guys vs. Bad guys

It seems that the kids, and adults these days are popularized more by being the "Bad guy" than the "Good Guy"  another example of the mainstream feeding violence and hate to the people of the public.  I feel so alone these days tryin constantly to be a 'young' good guy.  I've accepted the Karmic attitude of finishing last as a result of the 'good guy'-ness.  But that doesnt mean it doesnt irritate me when i see examples of the opposite around town.  
For example, I constantly see assholes walkin home w/ beautiful women, with only one intended fuck..  now i know its 2011.   I used to hold women up to such a high regard until, i realized that nowadays they are just as horny and devious as us guys.... oh boy.  so now we have a gender war, between women and men.  who can trick the other into giving them what they want.
Because we've been told to not share our inner being with others.  "safeguard your emotions"  is what the media wants you to do.   People always say "Ken, youre so deep"  ... is that so? .  or are they just all shallow?
Putting up walls all around yourself wont help heal the pain inside.  Happiness comes from within,  not from some fake sex session, or drugs, or violence.  those are all just band-aids.  The cure comes from true love.  Knowing that you are loved.  Especially by God.  The light he provides will fill any and every void there is.  The confidence in Jah has led me to be more aware of the trickery out there and to not fall for any girl with a pretty smile.
And you ladies, i advise the same.  A muscle bound man w/ a cute face, probably only wants your body.  Please hold yourself with more respect.   It kills me to see women get hurt because of their naive trust in shady guys.  Dont let your sexual appetite corrupt your decision making.  Stay strong to the true aspects of your life and not the vain, surface areas.
This is life......... Love it, Live it.
Jah Bless