Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's interesting how many dont realize how much courage it takes to do the little things in life.

It' takes courage to .....

Pick up trash, n throw it away. ( Because you sacrifice time for a cleaner environment)

Let people go in front of you..ex. car, line, holding a door....etc.  ( because you dont know if that will cause you to arrive at your destination late or not.)

To ask someone a favor. ( Because of the fear of rejection, and the guilt of putting weight on someone else's shoulders)

To say thank you. ( Some feel as if their works are far to few to deserve thanks)

To say I love you. ( Fear, is the ultimate reason why this doesnt get said most of the time)

To deny ones lustful wantings to pursue a logical goal. ( Leave the bar...!! go home!)

Say what you feel, ( Fear of how others will view your...."views" and whether they will "accept" you.)

Dance in public.  ( Denying the urge to let loose, will hurt you in the end)

Have a foundation and sticking to it. ( Most would rather believe in 'nothing' than be called out for what they "do" believe in )

Be single, be in a relationship ( we know that both have their hard times)

and most of all

It take courage to be yourself, cuz society and media want you to be their sheep, and not an independent thinker.

Take control of your life, anything you put your time and effort into will create good outcomes.
Bless up

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